Chief Rabbi Yoni
& Olivia Wieder
Chief Rabbi Yoni Wieder is only the 8th Chief Rabbi of Ireland since the office was introduced in 1921. Chief Rabbi Wieder took up his position in Dublin in June 2023, and his inauguration ceremony took place the following May. In addition to serving as Chief Rabbi, he leads the DHC, is head of Jewish Studies at Stratford College, and oversees the Kashrut Commission of Ireland.
Born and raised in London, Chief Rabbi Wieder attended Independent Jewish Day School and Hasmonean High School. He studied for several years at the Heichal HaTorah and Mir yeshivot in Jerusalem, and later received his semicha from Rabbi Zvi Kushelevsky.
Chief Rabbi Wieder read History at Bar Ilan University at undergraduate and graduate levels, and taught for two years at the Israel XP gap-year programme at Bar Ilan. He studied for a further two years at the Rabbinic Training Academy in London, and taught regular shiurim in local schools and shuls.
Chief Rabbi Wieder has written extensively on the history and development of Halacha in the modern era. His MA thesis analyses the reception and influence of the famous 19th century halachic wok Mishnah Berurah.
Rebbetzin Olivia Wieder (née Mann) grew up in London, attended Hasmonean High School, and studied for a year in Israel at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim seminary. She graduated from Kings College London with a BA in English Literature. Olivia completed the Teach Frist postgraduate scheme and taught English at Parliament Hill School in Highgate for two years. She also worked as Youth Director at Ner Yisrael community, Hendon.
Olivia serves as the Rebbetzin of the Dublin Hebrew Congregation, and teaches English and Jewish Studies at Stratford College.

Inauguration Ceremony

Shiurim & Lectures
Links to recordings of Chief Rabbi Wieder's shurim and lectures are sent out to subscribers in the weekly DHC newsletter. To access the archives, please contact the office: